Anyway one of the pending project that I wanted to do since this April (when we moved to our current flat and have only just managed) was to shoot it! Mr. S and I've had loads of fun putting our mark on it!

View of the snow covered back yard and the conservatory / dining / Mr. S man cave. (*Ahem* that I ended up occupying most of the time as my packing station!)

Original Vintage Bollywood Poster I bought on my last trip to India.

A fun DIY Project Mr. S & I did doodling an old Ikea table with our favourite things. (Ok so I doodled and he project managed it! :D) I'll share more pictures as a before and after soon.

There is so many exciting projects that I've already started planning for the New Year and I can't wait to share them with everybody. Hope everyone has a lovely Christmas and I'll see you after the Holidays!